计算机科学 & 工程

  • 计算机科学 & 工程

    本课程介绍基本技能的概览, 预期, tools, 以及未来工程和计算机科学课程中使用的技术. 在学期中, students will develop an understanding of the engineering design process and a familiarity with the software and hardware related to programming, 制造, 快速成型. 学生将学习如何设计简单的网页内容, 用Python写程序, 在2D和3D中建模对象, 通过加法和减法制造创建原型, 以及如何最好地记录并向外界展示他们的工作. 
  • 计算机程序设计I

    这门课 presents an introduction to computer programming and algorithm development using Python. It is designed to give students a solid foundation in common programming practices and conventions, 以及基本的编程技术. 主题包括数据类型, 控制结构, lists, 字典, functions, 基本图形, 还有其他人——他们都非常注重解决问题, 程序设计, 和文档. It is presented both as a prerequisite for 高级计算机科学I and as a general introduction to programming that can be applied to other disciplines. 
  • 计算机程序设计II

    这门课 presents a continuation of 计算机程序设计I and is taught using Python. It serves as an alternative to 高级计算机科学I for students who wish to continue studying programming without the demands of a college-level curriculum. The course begins with a review of the topics covered in 计算机程序设计I and moves on to introduce classes, recursion, 和文件I/O. Using existing skills along with the techniques presented with the new topics, students will work toward the completion of one large project over the last six weeks of the course. 
  • 高级计算机科学I

    本课程是对c++程序设计的全面学习, 相当于大学第一学期的计算机科学课程. 它强调用面向对象的方法解决问题, 以及算法和数据结构的开发和分析. The course involves several large projects which encourage good 程序设计 和文档. 本课程的主题包括:变量, 控制结构, arrays, functions, enums, recursion, 类w /继承, searches & 排序、异常处理和基本文件. The course does not specifically prepare students for the AP 计算机科学 A exam, 由于这些课程使用不同的语言. 
  • 高级计算机科学II

    这门课 is a continuation of C++ programming that was started in 高级计算机科学I. The class introduces pointers and examines various data structures including single and double-linked lists, stacks, queues, and trees. 还研究了枚举类型和继承. These tools are put into practice in several large projects that are designed to help students understand use cases for the data structures studied, 并进一步发展他们解决问题和计划项目的能力. 学生学习编写高效、可重用和可扩展的代码. 
    Prerequisite: 高级计算机科学I and/or recommendation of the course’s instructor.
  • 高级计算机科学(三)

    Students in this course will build a complete working 16-bit computer (via simulator) using the NAND to Tetris model (nand2tetris.org). 从一个NAND门开始, students will build upon continuing layers of hardware abstraction until they have a working CPU and memory that will be connected to form a simple digital computer.  然后,学生将为计算机构建一个完整的堆栈软件层次结构, 包括一个汇编程序, VM翻译, compiler, 操作系统. Students also will explore various modern computer languages and their differences.
    Prerequisites: 高级计算机科学II and/or recommendation of the course’s instructor
  • 功能性雕塑

    这门课, 在设计实验室举行, offers an opportunity for students to develop skills in various types of making with materials such as wood, plastic, metal, and others. Students plan and execute a variety of physical building projects that combine hand and digital tooling. 本课程的主题包括技术素描, 快速原型, 介绍木工, 仪器设计, 以及数字制造. Students will learn to professionally document their process and finish the course with a working design/engineering portfolio that demonstrates their critical thinking abilities. 
    Note: this course fulfills one semester’s worth of the 上学校 graduation requirement for one year of Fine or 表演艺术. 
  • UX & UI Design

    这门课, 在设计实验室举行, challenges students to create screen-based products from the perspective of a user experience designer. Students will learn to conduct primary research for product development and will create digital prototypes for apps and product interfaces. 这门课 will place an emphasis on designing and organizing screen layouts (menus, buttons, etc.). Students will learn to professionally document their process and finish the course with a working design/engineering portfolio that demonstrates their critical thinking abilities. 
    Note: this course fulfills one semester’s worth of the 上学校 graduation requirement for one year of Fine or 表演艺术. 
  • 工程与电子学

    这门课, 在设计实验室举行, presents an introduction to the design and engineering process with an emphasis on digital 制造, 电子产品, 物理计算. 整个学期, 学生将练习技术素描技巧, 三维建模, circuitry, 以及基本的物理计算系统. 这门课 will equip students with strategies for project planning, management, and execution. Students will learn to professionally document their process and finish the course with a working design/engineering portfolio that demonstrates their critical thinking abilities. 
  • 工程 & Design

    这门课 gives students the opportunity to apply concepts from previous engineering classes to plan and execute large-scale projects with real-world applications. 在第一学期, students will develop professional skills by working in various roles on a design/engineering team. 在第二学期, students will work with community members and outside professionals to put their creative strengths into practice. Students will build on visual documentation skills and will finish the course with a working design/engineering portfolio that reflects their own professional aspirations. 
    Prerequisite: two semesters of engineering coursework and/or recommendation of the course’s instructor.
  • 先进的工程 & Design

    在整个课程中, students will build on previous creative problem-solving skills to tackle a year-long topic of interest in engineering/design. Mentorship in this course will guide students to research professional opportunities and best practices within their chosen discipline. Students will also have a chance to collaborate with peers to exchange feedback and foster a dynamic studio culture. Students will build on visual documentation skills and will finish the course with a working design/engineering portfolio that reflects their own professional aspirations. 


  • 克里斯托弗·阿格罗的照片
    克里斯多夫 Agro
    (203) 801-4954
  • 扎卡里·布鲁斯科摄
    Zachary Brusko
    高级和中级计算机科学教授 & 工程部门
    (203) 801-4888
    霍巴特学院- B.S.
  • 哈娜照片	 Galijasevic
    Hana Galijasevic
    (203) 801-4873
  • Kimberly Gerardi的照片
    Kimberly Gerardi
    (203) 801-4813
    纽约州立大学采购- M.F.A.
    西康涅狄格州立大学- B.A.
  • 马特·古德曼摄
    Matt Goodman
    高中计算机科学 & 工程教师
    (203) 801-4947
St. 路加学派是一个世俗(非宗教), 新迦南的私立学校, 5至12年级的CT服务于康涅狄格州和纽约州的35个城镇. Our exceptional academics and diverse co-educational community foster students’ intellectual and ethical development and prepare them for top colleges. St. Luke’s 以人为本 curriculum builds the commitment to serve and the confidence to lead.